All Posts By

Anita Bennett MD

Suicide Awareness and Prevention

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September is Suicide Prevention Month. Although suicide prevention is an important issue all year round, September is a dedicated time to raise awareness and focus on addressing this difficult topic. Mental health conditions and suicide are more common than you might think. According to the Centers for Disease Control and…

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Kidney Stones

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You have probably either had a kidney stone or know someone who has had one. About 1 in 10 people will get a kidney stone during their lifetime. They can be very painful. Although most kidney stones pass out of the body on their own in the urine, sometimes they…

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Diseases Spread by Mosquitoes

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Mosquito-borne diseases are becoming more common in the US. Warmer temperatures and increased rainfall create ideal breeding conditions for mosquitoes. These diseases occur in the summer through fall, with the highest number of cases being reported in August and September. They can occur across the US, so we should all…

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