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eDocAmerica’s mission is to empower individuals and families to take more control of their health. We do this by providing direct, online and telephonic access to a team of medical professionals. Our users ask whatever they want, whenever they want, and are guaranteed personal responses from professionals who know.
With personal responses typically arriving in just a couple hours, our users enjoy a host of other tools including physician written Weekly Health Tips, a toll-free 24hr Nurse Advice Line, a 3D Human Atlas, a Healthy Lifestyle Assessment, and more. eDocAmerica’s services result in saved office visits, peace of mind, confidence to act, and ultimately an informed, empowered individual.
Look no further than the eDocAmerica movie for a short, light-hearted overview of our services and value. At the end of the movie you will be given the opportunity to follow-up with eDocAmerica by requesting a demo, quote, or sending us your questions. Please let us know how we can be of service to you.
You have probably either had a kidney stone or know someone who has had one. About 1 in 10 people will get a kidney stone during their lifetime. They can be very painful. Although most kidney stones pass out of the body on their own in the urine, sometimes they…
Mosquito-borne diseases are becoming more common in the US. Warmer temperatures and increased rainfall create ideal breeding conditions for mosquitoes. These diseases occur in the summer through fall, with the highest number of cases being reported in August and September. They can occur across the US, so we should all…
Last week, we talked about the importance of drinking an adequate amount of water. There is a growing body of evidence from research studies that shows significant relationships between chronic low daily water consumption and various diseases and abnormal metabolic function. This is likely due to chronically elevated levels of…
The eDocAmerica Weekly Health Tips are authored by Dr. Anita Bennett. Each week she covers relevant topics ranging from seasonal issues and hot news items to various topics and conditions. They are valuable, easy to understand articles that can be delivered right to your inbox.
The following results were concluded from a third party study performed over a two year period on a self-funded company with 18,000 employees:
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